Le monde de James Matthew Barrie

> Avant propos
> Biographie
> Galerie de photographies

> Thrums
> Kensington Gardens
> Never (never never) Land
> Sa bibliothèque

> Bibliographie
> Editions pirates
> Iconographie
> Les illustrateurs de Barrie
> Pastiches
> Lettres

> Livres en français
> Livres en langue anglaise
> Films
> Téléfilms / émissions
> Comédies musicales
> Produits dérivés
> Curiosités

> Présentation du roman
> Extraits
> Vingt-six chapitres

> La genèse du personnage
> La pièce
> Le film
> Le mythe

> Citations de Barrie
> Citations sur Barrie
> Tommy Sandys




Cette lettre a été déchiffrée par Robert Greenham :

I hope you
don't need to
be (drawing 1).

Some day soon
I am coming
to see you in
the (drawing 2)

and we shall
go * a drive
in the (drawing 3)

and I shall
(drawing 4) out
of it, and you
shall (drawing 5) out
of it and (drawing 6) and
(drawing 7) and (drawing 8) and (drawing 9) will

tumble out of it and
(drawing 10) will tumble out
of it and the (drawing 11) will
then we shall go to
(drawing 12) to (drawing 13)

Your admirer

(drawing 14)

L'interprétation de Robert Greenham :

And this is what I think the drawings and * represent:

Drawing 1 - beaten

Drawing 2 - train

* - for (JMB sometimes carelessly omitted a word)

Drawing 3 - (horse-drawn) carriage

Drawing 4 - fall

Drawing 5 - fall (showing George falling)

Drawing 6 - Jack

Drawing 7 - Peter

Drawing 8 - Michael

Drawing 9 - Nico

Drawing 10 - mummy (ie. Sylvia Llewelyn Davies)

Drawing 11 - dog (ie. Luath)

Drawing 12 - town

Drawing 13 - eat

Drawing 14 - a signature of some sort

Robert Greenham :
I think that JMB started his letter in a strange way: "I hope you don't need to be beaten".
Perhaps George had just been a little naughty and had got himself into trouble, and perhaps he had written to his Uncle Jim about it. Then Barrie had replied to George with this humorous letter in an attempt to cheer him up.


Lettre écrite en miroir, à la manière de Lewis Carroll :



[Traduction prochainement - rubrique en cours de publication]